Fire Safety Program
Fire Safety Program

Under the direction of retired Fire Chief Lee Sudia, Blue Ridge Early College now offers a 5-semester Public Safety/Fire Academy, that starts with cadets taking a Public Safety I class. Public Safety I is a compilation course that covers Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, the Court System and Incident Command. Currently Blue Ridge Early College has 48 high school students who are enrolled or have already completed the first class in the series called Public Safety I.
Each student has the opportunity to earn credentials from the National Emergency Management Institute and FEMA for four (4) classes. When students enter the Fire Academy they take 20 of 22 classes over three semesters necessary for certification as a firefighter in North Carolina. The 4th and final semester is spent in an internship with Cashiers-Glenville Fire Department to receive additional hands-on training and fire service indoctrination.

This academy is one of 38 across the State of North Carolina, approved by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) and the North Carolina Office of the State Fire Marshal (NCOSFM). The program allows high school students aged 14 and above to complete classes required for certification by the State of North Carolina as Firefighters. Once they receive their certification and high school diplomas, students enter the potential hiring pool for any career or combination career-volunteer fire department in North Carolina as well as many other states in the region. Even if they choose another career field, students will help to bolster the volunteer ranks in the areas in which they choose to reside. The strength of the program is the partnerships that are developed by high schools, local Fire Departments, Rescue Squads, Emergency Medical Services and local Community Colleges. The Blue Ridge School Education Foundation is pleased to have joined this partnership by providing part of the professional gear needed to ensure proper safety and training.

BRSEF Purchases Helmets
Of the $51,421.20 initially needed for equipment to carry this program to fruition, the Blue Ridge School Education Foundation was pleased to provide $5000 to purchase 20 Lion Legend X helmets.
BRSEF Fire Safety Training

Chief Lee Sudia
- Former Fire Chief - Whiteville, Hope Mills, Wilkesboro Fire Departments
- Fire Academy Chief - Blue Ridge Early College and High School
- Emergency Services Director; Fire Marshal; Interim Emergency Management Director, Harnett County NC
- Adjunct Instructor Associate Degree in Fire Protection - Wilson Technical Community College
- Deputy Fire Chief - Pinehurst Fire Department, Pinehurst, NC
- Firefighter 1974 - present
- B.S. Sociology May 1994, Methodist College, Fayetteville, North Carolina
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